Jabber Jaw

     Hey. It's me again. Yeah, THAT guy. I was reading over some of my blog posts and about fell asleep and died from boredom, all at the same time. PARTY FOUL! Each post was this hurt and that hurts. No oomf. No... me. Granted its a little after one in the morning as you can judge by the time stamp. Maybe I'm just tired. Maybe I am just writing from the stream of conscience. Whatever pops into my head. I can always delete this post tomorrow, right? I mean, who really wants to read the words of an obviously physically impaired person. It's not "good" reading. Lame... pardon the pun.

     So I have the official Blogger app on my phone so I can now bore everyone with my ramblings at a much more consistent pace. My wife is laying beside me right now. I see her face by the digital light from my phone.

A geek somewhere just sighed.

     Man... She is beautiful. Outside and in. I don't think I have met a more compassionate person in all my life. She not only is the backbone of this family we have built together, but she is the other side of me. When my leg stumbles, hers strengthens. When my hand drops, hers flexes. Whenever I have a dumbfounded look on my face, she joins me so I am not the only one out of place. We feed off of one another. Ooooff... hand cramps... must post this soon.

I need sleep, screw it, i'll post now.
It's my blog, I can do that.


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