A Home-Less

Pardon my emotions on this one. They will be scattered various places.

Man. Where do I start? ... I am usually a pretty private person but I need to release some guilt/stress or I will explode on people who dont deserve it. Ok, here I go...

I feel as though I am a horrible father. God that sentence hurts. One of the very few things I have prided myself on is being a good dad. I have failed. Failed both my boys, as well as their mother. We are soon without a home, because I, the "provider" could not provide. Due to medical issues I could not make our mortgage payments... and now we have until the 2nd of December to vacate. Yes, I am a horrible father... I have taken the foundation out from my families feet and have replaced it with uncertainty... and did so at the worse time of the year.

As I re-read what I typed up just now, I thought seeing it in print would possibly lead me to clarify of thought... You know, like sometimes in movies where the unlikely hero just captures the idea of what to do exactly to get him/her out of a horrible predicament. The answer though, hasn't materialized yet. Will it ever? I would like to say so but because the clock is still ticking... It doesn't look promising.

My hands are killing me because I typed this on my phone. I have to stop.

Pardon the pity party.


  1. I am so sorry Mark. I live in Colonial Hills. It isn't the best place in the world, but it is cheap and not much crime that I've seen since the cops live here practically.

  2. Ya know?.. I really don't know you, and I honestly have no clue why you added me on google+ :P but from what I have seen, you are NOT a bad father man! A bad father doesn't want to be NEAR their kids.. A bad father knowingly doesn't pay child support.. A bad father leaves their only son when he's two, doesn't speak to him till he's about ten, and then leaves AGAIN at age twelve... You know what you are? A good guy in a bad position.. You seem like a strong guy and I'm positive you can make it through.. Keep in mind, this is coming from a COMPLETE stranger!! Lol, but you just gotta keep your chin up.. Keep looking.. Don't give up. Cause that's the first sign of a bad father.. You can do it man!! I'm praying for you!!


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