
Showing posts from January, 2014


I have been trying to walk as much as possible without my cane and forcing myself to not rely on it so much. I have noticed that it is getting increasingly harder to NOT use it though. I feel great when I don’t use it. Its like not having to rely on artificial means to get around but not sure how much damage I am doing. I have realized that I am causing my body to work harder than it would and end up just hurting more later on. I also try to use the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible. Should I just swallow my pride keep pushing my body and hope the pain goes away or do I just say screw it, take a hit and use it and get over my issues about using it?

What Weight?

I have lost 12 lbs so far do to stress. Just not hungry anymore it seems. I am not taking any or less medications then what I was prescribed. No vitamins or supplements. My pants hang on me, and I get these horrible shooting pains in the front and back of my head that usually makes its way to the back of my eyes to the point that whenever I move my eyes to focus on anything the pain increases. Yeah, you are probably right, I need to eat more, start taking vitamins and... lol exercise lol.  I am still very thankful for the health I have because, as they all say- It could be much worse.