
Showing posts from August, 2016

Still Back

My back is still on fire. Lower back. I have been trying to loosen it up but it becomes more and more unbearable as time progresses. Even hurts when I take a deep breath. I go to the pain management doc on the 5th so we will see.

Back spasm (Known Reason)

Well I have done it now. Hurt my back. Got a little over zealous while cleaning and arranging the boys room yesterday. I didn't know it had happened until the next day. I have the option of dealing with it or dealing with it. Think I shall do the manly duty and just deal with it. I noticed that my pain blog has a lot of poor me's in the passages. I read a few of them and just thought, "Geesh why don't this guy just get over it already?" So I from now like my other blog, which can be found here , I will try my best to not let it sound so "oh poor me." I think I can get that point across while not sounding like a complete douche. So to my back. On a scale from 1 thru to 10, I will rate it on the Pain Geek-O-Meter (because I am a huge geek if I haven't mentioned it before) I would call it an 8-Not even wanting to go to Best Buy with fifty bucks kinda 8. That is a huge deal. I think it is mostly my lower back. I can't sit in...

Latest Doctors Visit

No Wifi so I have textedit opened to transfer to my blog once wifi becomes available. Here I sit in the doctors office waiting room. Waiting. This is just your typical, I need refills so I need to see the doctor type visit. I wonder if there will ever be a time where instead of pills, someone says, “Hey, here is a thought… lets find out the source of the pain rather than throwing pills at it to see what sticks?” I am not a big pill taker. I don’t like it. Having to set my mood by a clock doesn’t seem right to me. To let a plastic vessel containing capsules that dictate my outlook of the day is a horrible thing, but many live their lives in this way. I have learned to adapt as well. I just wished that I knew what kind of condition I have rather than just living with it. Just got my paperwork and am waiting to go back to see the doctor. They have a chart of a person, front and back. They want you to circle what you were having issues with. I circled Neck, both should...