Latest Doctors Visit

No Wifi so I have textedit opened to transfer to my blog once wifi becomes available.

Here I sit in the doctors office waiting room. Waiting. This is just your typical, I need refills so I need to see the doctor type visit. I wonder if there will ever be a time where instead of pills, someone says, “Hey, here is a thought… lets find out the source of the pain rather than throwing pills at it to see what sticks?”

I am not a big pill taker. I don’t like it. Having to set my mood by a clock doesn’t seem right to me. To let a plastic vessel containing capsules that dictate my outlook of the day is a horrible thing, but many live their lives in this way. I have learned to adapt as well. I just wished that I knew what kind of condition I have rather than just living with it.

Just got my paperwork and am waiting to go back to see the doctor. They have a chart of a person, front and back. They want you to circle what you were having issues with. I circled Neck, both shoulders, Upper and lower back. Both hips, knees, and feet. So basically I circled everywhere that had joints. MAN they ache!

Back to see the doctor. Pressure was 128 over 82 with a pulse of 97. Pretty good. I usually don’t take notes with me like this but I thought why not. I brought my MacBook and am entering in the information while I wait. I have all the seasons from 1 to 8 of The Big Bang Theory on my computer so I am watching and I am typing. I dig this configuration. I think I will do this from now on. Every little bit of information helps.

The doctor was just in and I told her about my spine and where my upper back was really aching more then my lower. She asked if I had time to do an x-ray of it today, which surprised me! I said sure so now they left and are getting the X-ray paperwork and hardware ready.

Ok they called me back and took two X-rays of my back, front and side. Now I am back in my waiting room for the doctor to check them over. Now I am back to waiting. They are really great at The Brooks Clinic where I go.

Doctor just told me that I have scoliosis, which I think I knew already but that my discs are very thin so it could be a deterioration of the discs and possibly bone on bone. Oh joy. So, she asked me if I would like therapy or to leave it like it is because if could be just spasms OR I could have a herniated disc but that wouldn’t show up in a X-ray, but will in a MRI.

Ok just got my script and will fill in a few days. Knowing my luck its a herniated disc. *Fingers crossed that it just goes away.


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