
Showing posts from May 16, 2011

It's The Hippy Hippy Shake

My body is sore. My head is cloudy. I just had a full body tremor that lasted a few hours. My right arm would shake, then my left leg. My jaw would get tight, and my head would bob side to side off and on thru out the attack. Fingers and hands would be locked in place with periodic moments where they resembled someone with MD. I am racking my brain trying to figure out what was different today that could have caused it. I am so lost right now I barily remember the sentence I typed before this one. Fingers are starting to tell me I have typed too much already. More later. :)

A New Hope...

Well. I should have known that I was going to forget to post last night but someone told me of documentary and my wife and I HAD to watch it. Under Our Skin is the name of it. It talks about Lyme Disease. My long lost cousin who I apparently haven't seen since I was 4 years old. Hi Rochelle!! Anyway, she told me about the problems that she was/is having and told me to go to a website and there is when a little bit of hope grew to a little more hope. The symptoms are too many to mention but I have far too many of them to not look into it. I am probably admitting my own stupidity but I have heard of limes disease and always thought it was what people who weren't clean contracted. Granted it is caused by bacteria and ticks but I really learned a lot from the movie and the various websites I have visited. I look at it like this, even if they do the tests and I don't have it, that is one more thing that I can rule out that I DON'T have. Silver lining,...