2 Falls... No Waiting...

4 days ago I forgot I had a pain blog, and wound up falling not once... BUT TWICE. I remember it quite vividly. The first happened when I was trying to help the kids clean up their toys in their room..The tips of my left hand felt as though there were needles going into just the tips, but not the thumb. my ankle felt like jelly and I dropped like a starving man trying to read that imaginary jelly sandwich. Of course we have hard wood floors all about. I skinned my forearm because I was able to stop myself in time. The second fall was the worst. I was picking up a half sized plastic trash can with some old tile my wife had dug up. I started talking to the front door and somehow woke up but remembering that I took a header over the dog kennel with a pretty big scrape on my leg. I woke up to both of my children crying and my wife calming them down. I remember I hit the floor on the back of my neck. I still have a head ache, literally. I am very forgetful (I was before too) and un...