
Showing posts from 2016

Still Back

My back is still on fire. Lower back. I have been trying to loosen it up but it becomes more and more unbearable as time progresses. Even hurts when I take a deep breath. I go to the pain management doc on the 5th so we will see.

Back spasm (Known Reason)

Well I have done it now. Hurt my back. Got a little over zealous while cleaning and arranging the boys room yesterday. I didn't know it had happened until the next day. I have the option of dealing with it or dealing with it. Think I shall do the manly duty and just deal with it. I noticed that my pain blog has a lot of poor me's in the passages. I read a few of them and just thought, "Geesh why don't this guy just get over it already?" So I from now like my other blog, which can be found here , I will try my best to not let it sound so "oh poor me." I think I can get that point across while not sounding like a complete douche. So to my back. On a scale from 1 thru to 10, I will rate it on the Pain Geek-O-Meter (because I am a huge geek if I haven't mentioned it before) I would call it an 8-Not even wanting to go to Best Buy with fifty bucks kinda 8. That is a huge deal. I think it is mostly my lower back. I can't sit in...

Latest Doctors Visit

No Wifi so I have textedit opened to transfer to my blog once wifi becomes available. Here I sit in the doctors office waiting room. Waiting. This is just your typical, I need refills so I need to see the doctor type visit. I wonder if there will ever be a time where instead of pills, someone says, “Hey, here is a thought… lets find out the source of the pain rather than throwing pills at it to see what sticks?” I am not a big pill taker. I don’t like it. Having to set my mood by a clock doesn’t seem right to me. To let a plastic vessel containing capsules that dictate my outlook of the day is a horrible thing, but many live their lives in this way. I have learned to adapt as well. I just wished that I knew what kind of condition I have rather than just living with it. Just got my paperwork and am waiting to go back to see the doctor. They have a chart of a person, front and back. They want you to circle what you were having issues with. I circled Neck, both should...

Pissy Body

Pardon the crudity of this post. My body is pissing me off. Whenever you go to a pain management doctor, they always ask you the same question. What is your pain like today on a scale between 1 to 10 with 10. I always reserve the 9 and 10. There are times where I want to say 11 but of course, I don't. I go in on my 7 and 8 on really bad days. Seeings how the 9 and 10 should be reserved for those who really deserve it. Cancer, brain tumor, car crash or other atrocities. I wouldn't feel right using 9 or 10. Those are reserved for them. So as it stands, I take two pain medications. One for actual pain and a muscle relaxant that might as well be the same as drinking a grass of water. My muscle spasms occur whenever they want. I'll be speaking to my kids and I will get a "flutter" in my hand and quickly use the other hand or nod. I don't want to pass any "maybe I got it too" type of thinking to them. They are impressionable. My m...

My Intentions...

I was getting groceries out of our minivan and carried them into the house. There were quite a few but I make it a point to get them all and not make another trip back outside. Got them in the house and then sat down in my chair in our bedroom and my left arm felt really funny. Not heart attack funny. Different than what is usual for me. I looked down and it was shaking like a parkinson patient. My other arm started doing the same thing but not as much. My first thought was muscle exhaustion. But I have had that before, this felt completely different. It lasted for a long time. I took 3 prescribed muscle relaxants an hour prior. Had to take a 4th one which made me feel drugged. I am prescribed 6 a day. 3 at a time so this isn’t odd for me to take that amount. I fell asleep. Woke up feeling really groggy and everything was swaying. Extremely odd. I was still shaking just not as badly as I was before. I haven't posted anything in awhile. Probably because looking back on...

Same Update

My muscles are in a constant state of flex. My body is failing me and its getting harder and harder to move. I mean, come on. Something has got to give. Either diagnose me or hell, I don't know! I a, just ranting. Thought I would get my thoughts out here to get some kind of normalcy back. Blogging is supposed to be therapeutic. I still feel like a freak though, sometimes I feel ok, other times I feel so enflamed in my joints. No rhyme or reason. Checked my diet, had blood panels done (a while ago). They ruled out the common ones like arthritis, MS, MD. All I know is that I have what is called Hyper Mobility. Basically all my joints are more elastic than what they should be. That and two torn rotator cuffs. I still get tremors and dizziness. I try to walk without my crutch or my cane and I can usually. I have fallen several times at home trying to not use them. I am getting better at it but it wears me out. I see these 40, 50, 60 year olds walk without needing anything. Some ev...