
Showing posts from 2013

The bump Heard On The Other Side Of The Wall

I woke up this morning with severe shoulder pain. Thinking I just slept on it wrong, I rolled over and instant pain on both sides. My lower back and head-ache behind my right eye. I feel like I got my butt kicked while in my sleep. No chance of falling off the bed because I sleep along the wall. I was told that for an hour and 45 minutes there was a sound along the wall I slept adjacent to of someone hitting it repeatedly. Although I am not sure what body part was I was hitting the wall with, I do know I am sore as hell.

When Misery Meets Sciatica

Out in our front yard, I started up the weed eater. All was fine. Usual pain, but bearable. OKC was under a EMSA heat warning for weather. I was drinking PLENTY of water prior, during, and after. I finished up the front and still needed to do the side of the house but I thought, naw... heat was just too much. So I stopped. I wrapped up the electric cord and took both the cord, and weed eater in the house. Sat down on my bed and started taking off my pants as they were drenched with sweat. I felt a little tingle on my right side, just below my hip. I thought nothing of it seeings how my body acts stupid anyway. More of a tingle, then it felt like someone threw a small rock at that very location. Then BAMN!! It made my whole body wince in pain. I am now laying on my left side, typing this post... still feeling the searing pain periodically. Reading online I found out that bed rest isn't recommended but the rest of my body says something else. Only pain medicine I have is Ibuprofe...

Falling & falling & Falling again.

Fell again, cleaning the house. THIS time I fell directly flat on my back. Complete with the back of the noggin meets stained wood. - Its almost 5am and I can't sleep. My legs are tinging, and my back is just... so unconformable. I lay one side, then the other... then back. It seems like falling has been a common occurrence for me. - I slept pretty crappy last night, for the hours that I DID sleep. We are going to the OKC Arts Festival later tonight. so that should be pretty cool. 50s and 60s music night.  Check out the calendar . I will be moving a little slower then normal but I think it will be worth it. Not my generation of music but I like all kinds. ... all the time I will whisper in the back of my head, "Don't fall... keep your balance, don't fall." More in this post a bit later. We decided not to go to that concert so we went home and I stayed up till 6am because my body wouldnt let me sleep.

2 Falls... No Waiting...

4 days ago I forgot I had a pain blog, and wound up falling not once... BUT TWICE. I remember it quite vividly. The first happened when I was trying to help the kids clean up their toys in their room..The tips of my left hand felt as though there were needles going into just the tips, but not the thumb. my ankle felt like jelly and I dropped like a starving man trying to read that imaginary jelly sandwich. Of course we have hard wood floors all about. I skinned my forearm because I was able to stop myself in time. The second fall was the worst. I was picking up a half sized plastic trash can with some old tile my wife had dug up. I started talking to the front door and somehow woke up but remembering that I took a header over the dog kennel with a pretty big scrape on my leg. I woke up to both of my children crying and my wife calming them down. I remember I hit the floor on the back of my neck. I still have a head ache, literally. I am very forgetful (I was before too) and un...

Mile High Club

I decided to walk up to our kids school rather then riding my scooter (car trouble) to pick the boys up. The school is only .5 miles away. So I basically walked a mile today going there and back. I don't think my ankles have hurt this bad in, well, forever. They have never really been an issue until today. Perhaps it was my iPod music blaring in my ears that gave too much of a spring in my step. Maybe I used those muscles a bit more then I do normally... still doesn't change the fact that I walked a mile today, and even though I am paying for it now, I am proud of myself for walking THAT far.