The Tattoo Reminder

So, yesterday my wife and I went to the Cox Convention center where they were having a tattoo convention and a bunch of other stuff. Saw the lead singer of a band get wasted on drinking Yager straight while on stage. So bad that the guy threw 2 guitars at the back of the stage and started to rip banners down. He knocked off his bottle of Yager off the stage. Crazy!

I got my very first tattoos there. Both on each forearm. Both in fancy cursive writing. One says my oldest boys name, Travis. The other for my youngest boy, Carter. I got them not as a showoff piece but more for me. I got them on my arms so that I can always look down and know my role in this world. I'm a dad. A dad that probably has a lot of room for improvement. I will say that I try. Hard. Probably a little too hard. I grew up without a dad as a lot of you can relate to. There was so many things that I should have know at age 6 that I didn't learn till I was 12. I have always been just behind the curve. Just a few years late. I think that because of this I have pretty bad self esteem. I am not blaming all of this on the lack of a second parental unit but I will say that I feel cheated a lot because of it. I mentioned that I probably try too hard at being a dad like there is such a thing but I need to make sure I am letting my boys have their own individuality and learn their independence for themselves. They are young adults. It is hard just carrying their trays of food to the table when we are dining at a restaurant. Little things like this that they are able to and should do for themselves. I have to step back and just remind myself to let them.


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